Astrology services for people who don't believe in astrology. Why bother?
Is it possible for a rational, intelligent person to benefit from astrology?
My understanding is that the rational, critical, straight-thinking people are the only ones who do. It’s they who are turning to astrology for benign, beneficial and very smart reasons. To get an unorthodox perspective, to change the focus of one’s attention, to see if a different narrative may fit them better than the outdated one, or even just to improve their mood. They are trying out different ideas of self, different genres in which to write their own story, different visions of future even. They’re also in it for the pleasant thrill that comes when the story the astrologer is telling fits their own a little too well. And no, knowing what confirmation bias is doesn’t spoil it.
Wait, so you don’t believe in what you’re offering?
I started my astrology journey in 2013 describing myself as a non-believing astrologer for people who also don’t believe in astrology. I did this because I tend to get squeamish around anything esoteric, so this was the only way I could do the thing that was bringing me a lot of joy. And also because I was afraid of attracting the less rational and intelligent people. And because I didn’t want to lose the respect of people I respected the most. I definitely didn’t do it to attract more clients, this much is clear. But go figure, it turned out that being an openly non-believing astrologer attracted the best clients I could ever hope for. Most of them don’t believe that astrology can say anything definitive about reality, some do. It’s more fun if we playfully treat interpretations ‘as if’ they were true, and then discard what is not interesting/useful and keep whatever serves us.
Why consult an astrologer?
It's a frivolous, playful act
In times of oppressive seriousness doing anything frivolous that brings one joy is a life-affirming act.
New storyline
A reading may provide narrative structures we may never have considered. This will expand your thinking about your own life and the lives of others.
Astrology time is slow/realistic
It counteracts our tendency to underestimate how much time tangible change needs.
Building up tolerance for ambiguity...
...that is, our ability to act like grown-ups in the face of uncertainty and contradictions. And let’s face it, we do contradict ourselves.
It validates our struggles, especially in times of either stagnation, or radical, multidimensional change.
Any reasons to NOT book a consultation?
Well, duh! Money.
It's not cheap, and if paying for a consultation means putting yourself at a disadvantage, then please, don't do it. Debt payments, emergency fund, doctors and dentists, psychotherapy, healthy food and education should take priority.
If you think you need a consultation ASAP
It's not always a red flag. Sometimes it's just the culture of instant gratification speaking. But more often than not the sense of urgency is a sign that a person wants something from a consultation, that it's not supposed to give.
If it seems vital/important
At its best, a reading is a mind-opening entertaining experience. It's fun. It's thought-provoking. But it's not going to help you solve vital, important problems.